Case study: Accelerating brand awareness for new cars

Driving brand building measures is essential in the highly competitive car market, and working with Ozone one of the world’s most recognised car brands experienced a 6.3% point total brand lift during the campaign, with a +15% increase in action intent.


Our client is a multi-award winning,  supermini that has been praised for its great practicality and comfort, stylish design, strong fuel economy and best-in-class interior.

 This car brand has an iconic history. Not only has it been one of Europe’s top-selling cars since its first generation was launched in the early 90s, it has also created some of the most memorable ads in the sector.

Our brief

The audience for this campaign centred around car fans and intenders, as well as millennials and mid-lifers. Through effective targeting, we wanted to deliver beyond the campaign’s performance-led KPIs by:

  • Reinforcing awareness of the brand, and moving potential new owners along the purchase cycle

  • Delivering greater engagement and interaction with the advertising

Our solution

Ozone is a platform for delivering High Attention at scale. This proposition is fuelled by the editorially-governed content that is created by our publishers every day. These premium environments – combined with the insight that ads placed on our sites receive 60% more attention* than on the rest of the web – means Ozone is the perfect platform to rev up any digital campaign for car brands.

We planned this campaign to run across a number of different formats including a Lightbox unit, Outstream video and standard IAB units such as skyscrapers and mobile leaderboards.

Delivering real results

  • +44% more interaction: The interactive Lightbox ad unit, which accounted for c.40% of the campaign, outstripped independent benchmarks with 44% greater interaction and 21% greater engagement. The CTR for this unit was almost double the benchmark and, in this case, is a telling measure of intent as users had to first open the unit and then click on the relevant CTA to register a click.

  • 6.3% point Total Brand Lift**

    Prior to the campaign launch this car model already had incredibly high awareness at 70% - yet the campaign delivered a strong 6.3% point Brand Lift as qualified by Brand Metrics. This success saw brand awareness – one of 4 key measures - shift 3% points (to 73%) from its very high starting position.

  • +15% increase in intent: The campaign was also highly successful in driving effectiveness measures. Brand preference increased by 12% while purchase intent increased by 15% during  the activity - all meaning a more engaged audience much more likely to pursue further information about the car.

Source: *Lumen Research, ** Brand Metrics