Case study: A big impact for small business messaging

This campaign targeting small businesses delivered an 11.8% point brand lift, indexing at 151 vs. the global publisher benchmark, with shifts across awareness, consideration, preference and intent measures.

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This campaign was devised by a public sector body to target small businesses.

The messaging was tailored around preparation for future changes that could have a significant and lasting impact on their operations.

Our brief

The campaign brief to The Ozone Project was to reach small business owners, less likely to be prepared for the future.

  • Drive action among SMEs. As awareness of the upcoming changes was already high, our campaign needed to prompt consideration and action

  • Reach SME decision makers in key content categories including Business & Finance, News & Politics, Books, Literature and Technology

  • Deliver 100% viewable ads


Our solution

Thanks to the power of our premium environments, our publishers create ‘moments of influence’ with their readers that are incredibly powerful for advertisers. When combined with the independent insight that advertising placed with The Ozone Project receives 60% more attention* than with other inventory, our platform on its own presented a potent opportunity to drive consideration, preference and action intent in the small business community.

We built this sizeable campaign against some very stringent targeting and within a relatively short-time frame. Given the breadth of Ozone’s audience, we delivered 17.5m impressions for this activity, in the campaign timescales.


Delivering real results

11.8% point brand lift**

  • This campaign achieved a total brand lift of 11.8% across the four measures surveyed by Brand Metrics (Awareness, Consideration, Preference & Action Intent).

  • This total brand lift result indexed at 124 against all campaigns run and measured by Ozone in 2019.

  • This was also a huge over-index of 151 vs. the global benchmark score of all publishers measured by Brand Metrics.

  • Ozone’s ability to deliver beyond awareness was evidenced by Consideration, Preference and Action Intent measures contributing 73% of the total brand lift for this campaign.

  • As Ozone’s top campaign for driving preference in 2019 (index 184), it also performed very strongly against the global publisher preference score (index 252).

Future optimisation plans

  • Through analysis of the target audience behaviour, we were able to recommend future targeting around other audiences interests in Mortgage & Property, Sport Betting and Entertainment content.

Source: *Lumen Research, ** Brand Metrics