Case study: ROI takes off for luxury holiday brand

Working with one of the UK’s leading flight and tour operators, Ozone delivered an exceptional campaign that drove 3x ROI, a 9.2% point brand uplift, while meeting performance targets of 75%+ viewability.


Our client, one of the UK’s leading flight and holiday tour operators, has launched a luxury arm of their business offering travellers access to a stunning array of five-star hotels where they can create holiday memories they will never forget.

With the launch of this brand, our client has a real opportunity to attract a luxury traveller audience who may be less likely to make a trip through their standard package deals or to consider the low-fare flights the company offers.

Our brief

The campaign brief to The Ozone Project capitalised on the opportunity to reach new travellers - across multiple bursts of activity - with two clear deliverables:

  • Drive brand awareness of this differentiated offering from the luxury holiday brand

  • Target Luxury and Travel audiences, at scale

There was also a clear opportunity to demonstrate incremental impact for our client by measuring the ROI on their media investment.

Our solution

Thanks to the power of our premium environments, our publishers create ‘moments of influence’ with their readers that are incredibly powerful for advertisers. When combined with the independent insight that advertising placed with The Ozone Project receives 60% more attention* than with other inventory, our platform on its own presented a potent opportunity for our client.

To enhance the impact of this campaign, we optimised creative formats and customer segments to achieve the best results across each individual burst, while at the same time delivering the prescribed equal split of Audience and Content-based targeting.

Delivering real results

  • 75%+ viewability: The campaign delivered 75%+ viewability, a key measure for the delivery of this brand campaign.

  • 9.2% point brand lift**: Research from the first quarter of activity by Brand Metrics demonstrated an average brand lift of 9.2 percentage points across all brand measurements. For the most engaged audience measure - those who say “I know a lot about this brand” - the campaign delivered a 47% increase in awareness across the campaign.

  • 3x ROI: In addition to these core brand measures, the last quarter’s activity has driven over 100 customer purchases for our client. This one measure alone delivered a 3x return on media investment.

“The Ozone Project is a great opportunity and we are always up for trying new and innovative things. Brand safety is most important for us and we understand that professional content is commanding attention, driving sales and viewability.” Our client, leading flight and holiday tour operator

Source: *Lumen Research, ** Brand Metrics