Delivering new customers for less

Data matching, contextual and geo-targeting and Ozone’s premium environments combined brilliantly to efficiently deliver new customers for a leading online retailer

Thanks to our data matching capabilities and a bespoke targeting strategy, new customers for a leading online retailer were delivered at a cost per user 16% lower than target.


To efficiently drive new customers to the client’s ecommerce website across a summer-long campaign. 

After a rebrand, they wanted to increase brand awareness and drive consideration; emphasising an unrivalled product range to tempt new customers to trial their shopping delivery service.


We used data matching to identify the client’s known users and suppress them from targeting. Behavioural analysis then created ‘lookalike’ customers to target.

Knowing the client’s users read more Food & Drink and Healthy Living content than anything else, meant they could be targeted in relevant context. Geo-targeting ensured only lookalikes in the areas where the retailer delivered would see the campaign.

A mix of engaging ad formats ensured a great mix of viewability, dwell time and CTR to drive awareness, consideration and new users to the site.


16% lower cost per user

  • Our strategy allowed us to efficiently drive unique users to the retailer’s site at a 16% lower cost than target, which was achieved consistently over the campaign’s four-month run

10% increase in ‘consideration’

  • The retailer’s huge product range - showcased across a variety of creative messages and formats, including animated interscrollers and high impact billboards – drove 3x higher consideration than the retail industry average

58% higher attention

  • Campaign ads only ever appeared within relevant context, such as inspirational Food & Drink content and Recipes, to drive 58% higher attention than the average Ozone campaign, as measured by our Attention Index

Sources: The Ozone Project,  Brand Metrics, 2021