Ozone launches Premium World to extend campaigns across multiple markets

Go global with Premium World, our new multi-market new multi-market service created exclusively for international planning and buying teams, helping them to activate digital advertising campaigns in multiple markets.

Ozone – the premium digital advertising platform built for brands by publishers – today announces the formal launch of a new service called Premium World, designed to help international planning and buying teams activate campaigns across the premium web in multiple markets.

Premium World calls upon Ozone’s digital expertise and deep publisher understanding to provide a single point of access to highly engaged audiences across multiple geographies. Just like Ozone’s UK alliance, Premium World campaigns will only ever be delivered through journalistic and editorially-led websites. Not only do these premium publisher environments offer a safe-haven for brands, they also reach more attentive and engaged online audiences.

Adding to the audiences Ozone’s current publishers deliver in international markets, Premium World will use a hand-selected list of local language, domestic publishers to deliver scaled reach of consumers across territories. Using Ozone’s established publisher criteria for inclusion means brands can avoid the Made For Advertising and long tail sections of the open web.

The initial focus of this service will be to help international agencies and advertisers extend campaigns across the top five markets in Europe, going beyond the UK into France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Future development would see the Premium World service extend into other complementary territories.

With Ozone’s success in the UK having been driven by the alliance’s huge depth of cross-publisher reader behaviour, Premium World will use these insights to inform campaigns across markets, matching engagement signals with local language publishers’ first-party data. 

Ozone will work with existing partners with local language offerings to ensure campaign protections in areas such as brand safety.

Craig Tuck, Ozone’s Chief Revenue Officer said, “We’re thrilled to formally launch Ozone’s Premium World service to meet the growing demands of our customers with a multi-national footprint. Having spoken to many of our international agency partners, we know the provision of an offering in-line with Ozone’s UK-based ‘Simply Premium’ proposition will be in high demand. By mirroring the single access point to scaled audiences deployed by the major tech platforms, Premium World aims to make it significantly easier for advertisers and agencies to deploy more incremental advertising investment into premium publisher environments across markets.”