Pop Culture grows on celebrity events (w.e April 30)

Proving cat-egorically that nobody does the Met Gala Ball quite like he does, Hollywood star Jared Leto’s latest red carpet at the annual Celebrity Style event was simply purrfect. Leto’s show stopping tribute to Karl Largerfeld’s cat and heir, Choupette, crowned him best in show at the show to stoke – or should that be stroke – up interest in our Pop Culture category, which also received a royal leg up thanks growing engagement with the Celebrity Families topic.

Pop Culture grows on celebrity events

  • 3.2bn total annual Pop Culture page views last year: Pop Culture is a huge category across our premium publishers. Across 2023, 3.2bn total annual page views for the category represented more than 10% of all engagement across the Ozone platform making it our third biggest category.

  • 75.8m Celebrity Families page views in April 2023: The build up to the Coronation has grown interest in the Royals. As the biggest celebrity brood of them all to millions of Brits, engagement with the Celebrity Families topic within our Pop Culture category grew by a third in April to 75.8m page views.

  • +18% higher page views in April than the 2023 average: As important at a red carpet soirée like the Met Gala Ball as it is during the pomp and ceremony of an era-defining Coronation, Celebrity Style is a key topic driver within our Pop Culture category. 13.4m page views in April was +18% higher than the 2023 average.

Take Action

  • For any last-minute Coronation campaign activations, our Royal Family audience segment is now available in Ozone Ad Manager. Expect the segment’s current estimated reach, of 11.3m royal fans, to increase significantly this week and over the upcoming bank holiday weekend as the nation celebrates King Charles and Queen Camilla.

About Reading the Nation

Reading the Nation will connect you to our broadcast-scale audience - who we see across the Ozone platform in their millions day-in-day-out - to unearth insights into their habits and behaviours when topics start to trend or big stories break.

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