Religion & Spirituality grows on Ramadan (w.e March 26)

The holy month of Ramadan began last week on Wednesday. With British Muslims nationwide observing four weeks of prayer, fasting and nightly feasts, our premium publishers have responded by creating celebratory content.

Typically, categories including Religion & Spirituality and Events & Attractions see growing engagement around these special occasions.

Religion & Spirituality grows on Ramadan

  • 2.5x higher Religious Events page views last week: Last week, the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan grew engagement with related content across our premium publishers. Page views for the Religious Events content topic in our Events & Attractions category increased by 2.5 times vs. the week before.

  • 7-fold growth in page views for the Islam topic: Our Religion & Spirituality category also grew last week with the Islam content topics – up sevenfold – a key page views driver. The highest day for engagement was Wednesday, 22 March when page views were +41% higher than the daily average.

  • +49% average page views growth during Ramadan and Easter: In the last two years, monthly page views for our Religion & Spirituality category have grown by an average of +49% in April when both Ramadan and Easter have taken place. This is the biggest monthly rise for the category outside of Christmas.

Take Action

  • Those observing religious events, such as Ramadan and Easter, typically engage with related content in the build up to and during them. From public celebrations to private gatherings with friends, Brits turn to our premium publisher content to help them mark these important annual occasions.

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