Smorgasbord of Sport drives page views high  (w.e Jul 9)

Last week, a packed summer schedule of supreme sporting action drove engagement with our Sport category to a record weekly high.

Page views for the category over the past seven days were a huge +66% higher than the 2023 weekly average as interest in our Tennis, Cricket, Formula 1 and Cycling content exploded.

And there’s more sporting action to come with the FIFA Women’s World Cup and the Rugby World Cup in France so expect further growth throughout the coming months.

Smorgasbord of Sport drives page views high 

  • 4.8x higher Tennis PVs: Wimbledon began last week to drive huge engagement with our Tennis content. More than 12m page views for the topic were +384% higher than the prior seven-day period. Typically, we see 8x engagement growth during Wimbledon vs. the two weeks before.

  • 5.4x higher Cricket PVs: England thrilled the Barmy Army by winning the third test match against Australia at Headingley last weekend to keep their Ashes dreams alive. In the past four weeks as the series has unfolded, 12.5m Cricket page views are 5.4x higher than the prior period.  

  • +67% higher Formula 1 PVs: This weekend’s British Grand Prix drove engagement growth with our Formula 1 content. While weekly page views remained flat compared to the same race a year ago, they were +67% higher than the 2023 average as two British drivers finished on the podium.

  • +55% growth in Cycling PVs: The Tour de France may have ended in agony for joint record stage winner Mark Cavendish, but interest in the annual cycling grand tour remains high. Last week, Cycling page views grew by +55%, while topic engagement is expected to double across July.

Take Action

  • Reach our huge Sport audience of 36.3m highly engaged online readers as they follow the sporting action they love across another fabulous summer of sport. Right now, they are indexing highly with other summer categories of interest, including content about Family, Events and Travel.

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