Travel’s back and booming as Brits getaway (w.e Jun 4)

Last week’s school half term put Travel on the agenda for families nationwide. With many Brits making a break for it, even the busy roads, train strikes and malfunctioning electronic passport gates couldn’t stop them enjoying a well-deserved break.

Travel is booming again in 2023 and our premium publishers continue to inspire holiday choices and provide essential travel information to our audience.

Travel’s back and booming as Brits getaway

  • +26% higher page views in the Y2D YoY: This year, there has been a far clearer return to expected pre-pandemic Travel behaviour. Total page views in 2023 to date (Sunday, 4 June) are +26% higher than the same period a year ago. Q1 in particular saw engagement up by more than +50% year on year.

  • 259m combined page views for our biggest topics: Annually, the content topics showing the most growth in the year to date include Family Holidays/Travelling with Kids (+96%), Travel Accessories (+48%), Hotels (+47%), Europe, including UK holidays, (+26%) and Long Haul (+18%) with Africa and Asia key drivers.

  • Looking ahead: With engagement so much higher already this year, we’re expecting further growth to come in the lead up to summer. Last year, page views in June, July and August accounted for more than a third of annual Travel engagement as summer holiday season kicks off.

Take Action

  • Engagement with our Travel content is on the up in 2023 and we’re entering a huge period of summer growth. Reach 35m Travel readers each month contextually or in the other content areas they’re interested in, such as Family (i124), Business (i123), Style (i122), Attractions (i118) and Television (i117).

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Reading the Nation will connect you to our broadcast-scale audience - who we see across the Ozone platform in their millions day-in-day-out - to unearth insights into their habits and behaviours when topics start to trend or big stories break.

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