
'New Year bounce' for Property content (w.e January 15)

'New Year bounce' for Property content (w.e January 15)

With housing such a topic of interest in the first few weeks of any year as potential buyers, sellers and renters assess their options, it’s no surprise that there’s been continued growth in engagement with our Property content. Up +15% last week, 6.4m page views is the third consecutive week of growth for the category.

Ozone Opinion: A window into society’s moments that matter most

Ozone Opinion: A window into society’s moments that matter most

Our strategy lead Frances Lazenby explores how Ozone’s unique first-party data highlights the moments that matter most to consumers and discusses the evolution of the new planning paradigms in our latest Ozone Opinion from Reading the Nation, A Year in Review.

Your guide to planning ahead with Reading the Nation, A Year in Review

Your guide to planning ahead with Reading the Nation, A Year in Review

Reading the Nation, A Year in Review is your essential planning guide for the year ahead. Highlighting the impact of seasonality and tentpole occasions on reader habits, the review also features four Ozone Opinions to help guide planning around bigger topics and events.

Spare boosts Books and new year's focus on Personal Finance (w.e January 8)

Spare boosts Books and new year's focus on Personal Finance (w.e January 8)

Last week, while Books & Literature page views more than doubled as the official release of Prince Harry’s autobiography ‘Spare’ – due out this week – was scuppered by leaks, there was early January growth for our Personal Finance content.

Twixmas growth for planning ahead content (w.e January 2)

Twixmas growth for planning ahead content (w.e January 2)

Our first Reading the Nation of 2023 takes a look back at the final week of the year – also known as Twixmas – which sees a significant and swift shift in the nation’s reading habits, as content about planning ahead takes precedence.

Cold snap boosts related content interest (w.e December 11)

Cold snap boosts related content interest (w.e December 11)

With temperatures hitting the minus numbers and the UK seeing its first snowfall of winter, our latest Reading the Nation focuses on how the change in weather can affect the nation's reading habits.

Travel and holiday planning begin to warm up (w.e December 4)

Travel and holiday planning begin to warm up (w.e December 4)

Reading the Nation this week focuses on growing engagement with our Travel content. With millions of footy fans finding the hot weather of Qatar simply too hard to resist, we dive into travel ahead of a busy Q1 2023 for the category.

World Cup kicks off a winter sport rush (w.e November 27)

World Cup kicks off a winter sport rush (w.e November 27)

With the long awaiting winter World Cup beginning last week, engagement with our Sport content increased week on week with more than three-quarters of all Sport page views Football focussed our latest Reading the Nation shows.