
Programmatic predictions: Danny Spears, COO, The Ozone Project

Programmatic predictions: Danny Spears, COO, The Ozone Project

When asked about industry predictions this time last year, I can’t imagine anyone would have anticipated the incredible disruption we’ve experienced in the past nine months. The impact of COVID-19 has permeated every industry, accelerated digital growth and it’s highly likely as we move into 2021 that the pandemic will continue to impact both positively and negatively on the world of programmatic.

Opinion: How brands are planning for Christmas 2020

Opinion: How brands are planning for Christmas 2020

The most wonderful time of the year has become the most unusual, with the majority of the UK currently in lockdown. This year so many pivotal moments have been cancelled across the past eight months, the only certainty for many is that Christmas will, in some guise, be celebrated come the 25th of December.

Opinion: Time for a digital effectiveness reset

Opinion: Time for a digital effectiveness reset

Efficiency versus effectiveness. Short-term metrics versus longer-term brand-building. Digital advertising as an afterthought versus digital advertising as an essential channel in the overall campaign mix. All hotly debated topics also the main talking point at the ‘Time for a Digital Effectiveness Reset’ session hosted by Ozone for MediaCom’s Transformation Week 2020.

Case study: The power of sentiment in campaign optimisation

Case study: The power of sentiment in campaign optimisation

In partnership with AA and Goodstuff, The Ozone Project reveals the results of a live campaign that demonstrates how brands can take advantage of the reader attention delivered by emotionally-driven editorial in premium environments. Craig Tuck explains how.

Opinion: Digital bananas - establishing a fair trade in digital advertising

Opinion: Digital bananas - establishing a fair trade in digital advertising

The Ozone Project’s CEO, Damon Reeve, writes for WARC on the need for a fairer digital ad ecosystem and draws comparisons with the principles of Fair Trade and how they could be applied.

Opinion: IAB Europe unveils TCF V2.0

Opinion: IAB Europe unveils TCF V2.0

Our CEO Damon commends the involvement of premium publishers in shaping the latest iteration of TCF v2.0 launched by IAB Europe…

Opinion: Where's the easy media buy?

Opinion: Where's the easy media buy?

In this deep-dive analysis of the fall-out of the Facebook boycott, our CRO Craig discusses the brand-safe, trusted Ozone environment…

The many layers of Ozone - a future ready alliance

The many layers of Ozone - a future ready alliance

Mediatel talks to Craig Tuck, Chief Revenue Officer of The Ozone Project, to find out how the premium publisher alliance has been navigating these past few months.