Serving up insights from Ozone's Food & Drink lovers

Serving up insights from Ozone's Food & Drink lovers

The last few years have seen a definite rise in foodie culture across the nation, fuelled by perennial TV favourites such as Masterchef and Great British Bake Off, as well as new and increased product ranges available in many high street stores and supermarkets. Whether it’s Aperol becoming the new darling of summer drinking, or ‘dine in for a tenner’ deals being a staple of many a shopping trip, there’s no denying that our taste buds have experienced more variation than ever before.

Christmas 2020 - the most wonderful time of this year?

Christmas 2020 - the most wonderful time of this year?

If ever there was a 2020 buzzword to rival ‘unprecedented’, then surely ‘uncertainty’ would be it? However one thing we CAN be certain of is that the Christmas spirit will still jingle its merry way into our lives all through Q4 and up until the big day on the 25th of December. Of course 2020 will likely be a very different kind of Christmas, so we have been investigating what the experts think might happen this year.

Ozone's entry for 'Media Brand of the Year'

Ozone's entry for 'Media Brand of the Year'

Thanks to an unprecedented collaboration between the UK’s biggest publishers, The Ozone Project has built a digital advertising environment - based on trust and fairness - to meet the needs of the modern marketer. Over the past twelve months, Ozone has made great strides in positively changing the digital landscape for advertisers and agencies.

Clearer skies ahead? Ozone insights for the travel industry

Clearer skies ahead? Ozone insights for the travel industry

Although a much overused word for 2020, ‘unprecedented’ is the only way to describe the disruption to the travel industry as a result of the pandemic. I doubt anyone could have anticipated the closed borders, grounded flights and sudden halt to travel plans that 2020 has brought on a global scale.

Opinion: IAB Europe unveils TCF V2.0

Opinion: IAB Europe unveils TCF V2.0

Our CEO Damon commends the involvement of premium publishers in shaping the latest iteration of TCF v2.0 launched by IAB Europe…

TCF v2.0 - more control for readers and publishers

TCF v2.0 - more control for readers and publishers

As an advertising business owned by the UK’s leading publishers, Ozone is very supportive of TCF v2.0, and in particular the high level of input that has been sought from premium publishers through its creation.

Future steps in the world of ID

Future steps in the world of ID

Digital platforms are making positive changes when it comes to the importance of user privacy. This has meant the ability to ID a user using 3rd party cookies or other artefacts obtained in an ad request is on the path to obsoletion. This article identifies how Ozone will identify users in the future.

Joining Ozone during a global pandemic

Joining Ozone during a global pandemic

Joining a new business during lockdown is probably not the onboarding that most would imagine. Now, a few months into his Ozone journey, James Taylor, Senior Agency Sales Partner, talks through that experience and what attracted him to Ozone in the first place.