The Ozone project launches Manchester based regional hub

The Ozone project launches Manchester based regional hub

As part of our commitment to building closer relationships with our agency and advertiser customers, we're delighted to welcome the new year with the 'virtual opening' of our Manchester hub, with Bill Dennett leading the charge. More from Bill and our CRO Craig in the Campaign piece below.

Opinion: 2021 - Transparency, First Party data and Measurement

Opinion: 2021 - Transparency, First Party data and Measurement

Our CEO Damon appears alongside other industry leaders to discuss what key trends will impact in 2021; citing transparency, value of first party data, digital campaign measurement, ethical use of data, and closer advertiser relationships as areas to continue to watch.

Opinion: 2021 Strategies for Success

Opinion: 2021 Strategies for Success

Ozone’s CRO, Craig Tuck, says getting “up close and personal” with advertisers and agencies will be vital to our success in 2021 in a comment piece first published as part of Mediatel’s ‘media and advertising 2021: strategies for success’ series.

Latest PAMCO: 62% of Ozone's monthly audience visit daily

Latest PAMCO: 62% of Ozone's monthly audience visit daily

The Ozone Project continues to reach highly engaged newsbrand and consumer magazine readers as almost two thirds of its monthly audience return every single day, according to 2020’s final wave of PAMCo data released today.

Programmatic predictions: Danny Spears, COO, The Ozone Project

Programmatic predictions: Danny Spears, COO, The Ozone Project

When asked about industry predictions this time last year, I can’t imagine anyone would have anticipated the incredible disruption we’ve experienced in the past nine months. The impact of COVID-19 has permeated every industry, accelerated digital growth and it’s highly likely as we move into 2021 that the pandemic will continue to impact both positively and negatively on the world of programmatic.

Spotlight on the Ozone team: Karen Ritchie

Spotlight on the Ozone team: Karen Ritchie

In the latest update with our team members, we talk to Karen Ritchie about her role heading up account management for our publisher stakeholders and its importance for the strength of our alliance.

Opinion: How brands are planning for Christmas 2020

Opinion: How brands are planning for Christmas 2020

The most wonderful time of the year has become the most unusual, with the majority of the UK currently in lockdown. This year so many pivotal moments have been cancelled across the past eight months, the only certainty for many is that Christmas will, in some guise, be celebrated come the 25th of December.

New ways for you to engage with Ozone

New ways for you to engage with Ozone

At Ozone, our aim is to make it as easy as possible for advertisers and agencies to reach highly engaged audiences at platform-level scale. Thanks to this new investment from our publisher shareholders we are creating even more ways for our customers to work with us.