Platform SLA
The Platform SLA describes the minimum service levels of the Ozone Platform and escalation procedures in case of service failures. Last updated: January 2024.
Availability of Advertising Platform
- Advertising Platform to be available for no less than 99% of the time in any calendar month, with the exception of: (a) Scheduled Downtime; and (b) Unplanned Downtime. “Scheduled Downtime” time spent performing, updates and upgrades, enhancement and routine maintenance activities, provided that: (a) Publisher has been given no less than 5 Business Days notice of such Scheduled Downtime; (b) no more than eight (8) hours of Scheduled Downtime takes place in each calendar month without prior written approval of Publisher; and (c) Scheduled Downtime takes place outside of Business Hours, or at a time agreed by Publisher; and “Unplanned Downtime” any period of downtime reasonably required to identify, investigate and/or take remedial steps in respect of an actual or suspected a) event beyond Ozone’s control that causes or may cause an Incident (as defined below), b) Security Breach, or c) threat to the security, stability, functionality or performance of the Advertising Platform (and/or connected systems) caused by an act or omission of Publisher or a person under its control.
Latency of Advertising Platform (European Union/ United States)
- The latency of the Advertising Platform in the United Kingdom and United States shall at no time be greater than 1.5 seconds in relation to any Inventory Bid Request made through the Services.
Availability of Admin Portal
- Admin Portal to be available for no less than 98% of the time in any calendar month, with the exception of: (a) Scheduled Downtime; and (b) Unplanned Downtime.
Latency of Automated Reports
- Automated Reports shall be available via the Admin Portal to Publisher no later than four hours following receipt by Ozone of an Inventory Bid Request.
Advertising Platform (excluding Admin Portal and Automated Reports)
Severity Level – Critical Priority Incident
- An Incident which (i) renders a Service unusable in that Publisher is unable to generate revenue by using the Service; (ii) results in the loss or corruption of Publisher Information, or (iii) is a Security Breach. “Incident” means any failure of the relevant Service to operate in all material respects in accordance with the Documentation.
Notification Response Time
- 30 minutes
Update Frequency Time
- Hourly
Target Resolution Time
- Four hours for Permanent Resolution or Workaround “Permanent Resolution” means a complete and permanent resolution to an Incident; “Workaround” means an interim resolution to an Incident, sufficient to downgrade a Critical Priority Incident to a High Priority Incident or a High Priority Incident to a Medium Priority Incident.
Severity Level – High Priority Incident
- An Incident which (i) causes components of a Service to respond intermittently; or (ii) results in a failure of a Service to meet the Service Level relating to latency; or (iii) is a Critical Priority Incident affecting a Service in relation to which a Workaround has been implemented.
Notification Response Time
- Two hours
Update Frequency Time
- Every four hours
Target Resolution Time
- Eight hours for Permanent Resolution or Workaround
Security level – Medium Priority Incident
- An Incident impacting a Service that is not a Critical Priority Incident or a High Priority Incident.
Notification Response Time
- 24 hours
Update Frequency Time
- Every 48 hours
Target Resolution Time
- At the next available service update or release
Security level – Critical Priority Incident
- An Incident which renders the Admin Portal or Automated Reports unavailable, provided that the Incident does not result in the loss or corruption of Publisher Information and is not a Security Breach.
Notification Response Time
- 24 hours
Update Frequency Time
- Every 48 hours
Target Resolution Time
- 72 hours for Permanent Resolution or Workaround
Publisher will assist Ozone in triaging service issues, including giving reasonable assistance to Ozone in connection with Ozone completing a root-cause analysis and remediation of any Incident.