Consumer attention on personal finance (w.e 16th Jan)

In a week that saw UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologise in parliament for the ongoing 10 Downing Street ‘partygate’ revelations, the nation’s interest in all things ‘New Year, New Me’ continued with strong engagement growth for Personal Finance content.

With a reach of over 99% of the UK’s online population, Ozone’s single-user view of content consumption provides unrivalled insights to the stories that matter.

Focus on Personal Finance

The start of a new year gives millions of consumers the chance to reevaluate their Personal Finances as festive spending is reigned back in favour of a more measured approach to household budgets, savings and investments.

With January’s renewed focus on the category, and a spending squeeze expected to bite this year due to the ‘cost of living crisis’, we look at the emerging content insight trends.

  • In the first two weeks of 2022 our Personal Finance category has seen c.20m Page Views and 10m Unique Users, with both having increased by more than a quarter compared to the final fortnight of last year, as consumers refocus their budgets.

  • Our Personal Finance audience has engaged mostly with the Financial Assistance, Personal Debt and Personal Taxes topics, with combined Page Views up +38% in the last week with news of the ‘cost of living crisis’ and looming tax self assessment deadline.

  • While down on last week, engagement with content related to Savings & Investments has grown by +8% in January (to 6.6m Page Views) versus the last two weeks in December. Expect further growth for this type of content in the build up to ISA deadlines on 5th April.

Take Action

January’s peak in user engagement with our Personal Finance category will be followed in the year by spikes around key events.

Look out for the run up to ISA deadline day on 5th April and the Spring and Autumn Budgets.

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