EV interest powers up autos (w.e 23rd Jan)

With the government announcing the end of ‘Plan B’ restrictions last week, confidence appears to be on the up for millions of Brits as we’ve seen engagement growth for key new year categories continue - including our Automotive content.

With a reach of over 99% of the UK’s online population, Ozone’s single-user view of content consumption provides unrivalled insights to the stories that matter.

EV interest powers up Autos

With the end of January speeding towards us like a Tesla Model S with a full charge, this week we stick with the new year; new everything theme and dive into our Automotive category, as consumers continue to engage with content related to big ticket purchases.

And early indicators suggest that consumer confidence is higher this year compared to last when looking at annual engagement trends.

  • With changes to the Highway Code adding topicality to the seasonal growth expected ahead of March’s new plate launch, 10m Automotive Page Views was up by +22%. Reader Attention remained broadly flat as Unique Users grew at a similar rate.

  • January’s 26.7m Page Views (to Sunday 23rd) has seen engagement with our Automotive category +26% higher compared to the last three weeks of December. More significantly, this is +52% higher than the same period a year ago.

  • More consumers look to be in market this January compared to last. Our average weekly Automotive audience of 2.8m Unique Users so far this year is +74% higher than the first three weeks of 2021, which also began in lockdown albeit with tighter restrictions.

  • With a slew of new EV launches expected this year and consumer appetite for battery powered cars growing, 2.1m EV Page Views in 2022 to date is more than double (+107%) the engagement with the topic compared to the same period a year ago.

Take Action

We expect growth to continue into next month in the build up to March’s new car launches.

Last year, reader engagement with the Researching & Buying Cars topics grew by +14% month on month in February as in-market consumers look to our content.

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Reading the Nation will connect you to our broadcast-scale audience - who we see across the Ozone platform in their millions day-in-day-out - to unearth insights into their habits and behaviours when topics start to trend or big stories break.

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