Healthy focus fries up Food & Drink (w.e 30th Jan)

With January drawing to a close, the arduous wait for the end of a month of drying out and healthy eating - and the first pay day of 2022 - gave our Food & Drink category a welcome boost.

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Healthy focus fires up Food & Drink

For millions of Brits, the final week of January brought the curtain down on two increasingly popular health conscious events - Dry January and Veganuary.

With more consumers than ever having participated in a month-long abstinence from the consumption of alcohol, meat and dairy, we take a look at audience engagement across Ozone with our Food & Drink category.

  • Food & Drink engagement in January - at 61.9m Page Views - has grown by +13% compared to December 2021, with Healthy Eating and Alcohol Free content - up +131% and +65% respectively month on month - among the key drivers of growth.

  • As key sustainability and health trends within the category, Healthy Eating and Alcohol Free engagement is also significantly higher this year compared to last with 11.5m combined Page Views in January 2022 - up +57% on the same period last year.

  • With staying dry and plant-based eating all but over for many and ‘Plan B’ coronavirus restrictions now gone, weekly engagement with content related to Eating Out, including Fast Food, has grown by +62% as consumer focus shifts to going out and the hospitality sector.

Take Action

Q1’s biggest seasonal events will continue to drive Food & Drink engagement. We expect further category growth around Valentine’s Day in February and Pancake Day and Mother’s Day in March.

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Reading the Nation will connect you to our broadcast-scale audience - who we see across the Ozone platform in their millions day-in-day-out - to unearth insights into their habits and behaviours when topics start to trend or big stories break.

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