Comment: Industry reacts to AA/WARC's 2020 forecasts

In light of businesses reimagining in the face of COVID-19, The Ozone Project's CEO, Damon Reeve, discusses the rallying of the media industry at this time…

Thursday 30th April - first published on Mediatel

Below is the full comment from our CEO Damon:

The past two months have seen companies across sectors and geographies reimagine and recalibrate their business models. While this is a challenging time for everyone and we cannot ignore the significant disruption to ad spend, the pandemic has opened up industry conversations that have long been overdue.

We’re seeing the industry rally together to address pre-existing issues such as online keyword block-listing in a bid to support premium publishers. We’ve seen some advertisers pause and take stock, while many others have moved their spend into addressable environments and modified their creative to suit the current situation.

Agencies remain hugely cognisant of the need to sustain quality media environments to ensure great places for their clients to advertise; something we’ve seen first-hand through the support of Ozone’s ability to deliver in high attention, trusted, brand-safe environments. The most engaging editorial channels are flourishing, as the nation continues to rely on quality content to keep them up to date during lockdown.

Collectively and individually, our focus must be on emerging from the current climate in the best shape possible to help fuel the expected return to growth in 2021.