Opinion: IPA Bellweather report Q4 2020

Craig Tuck

Ozone’s CRO, Craig Tuck, reacts with other industry leaders to the IPA’s latest Bellwether report

Ozone CRO Craig Tuck points to a cautious optimism for the months ahead, and the importance for marketers to ensure their ad spend ends up in quality digital environments.

Thursday 21h January 2021 - first published on Mobile Marketing

As the UK looks to boost the country’s COVID immunity with its vaccine roll out, the latest Bellwether report highlights once again that the marketing sector is not immune to the effects of the virus. While ad messaging and tactics have changed dramatically over the past year, we’ve seen a continued focus from brands wanting to engage with and reassure their consumers in our trusted, premium environments - something that fills us with cautious optimism for the months ahead.

“Yet with year-on-year marketing budgets still under huge pressure, it’s never been more critical for advertisers to ensure their ad spend ends up in the right environments and doesn’t fuel the misinformation economy - particularly in digital channels. The conscious marketer represents a real ‘shot in the arm’ for quality publishers who are best placed to deliver brand-safe digital campaigns.