Our views on the latest announcements from the ICO

“We expected a slightly firmer position…” Ozone CEO, Damon Reeve, on the latest ICO announcement on adtech and RTB regulation…

Tuesday 21st January 2020 - first published on Campaignlive.co.uk

We expected a slightly firmer position from the ICO… What was missing from Simon McDougall’s ICO blog post was anything of real substance. There’s been a lot of discussion and maybe they’re looking to see more action off the back of that.

It doesn’t really change anything that we’re already on the path to doing. At Ozone we are being fairly proactive in the decisions we’re making to reduce the risks around the processing of data.

The right thing for them to do is facilitate change through those organisations. If everyone is in good faith doing the right thing, that must be the best way for them to move in the right direction. Unless individual companies are being fraudulent and going against the industry grain, it makes sense to support competition through that process.