Ozone audience: An unrivalled offering for marketers


Franz Etten, our Senior Product Manager, talks through Ozone Audience, our unique suite of data-driven products for advertisers for powering highly effective campaigns.

Delivered through our platform, and across our premium publisher network, we offer many benefits to the modern marketer.

  • Unique planning insights: A single view of audience consumption patterns across the UK’s biggest pool of premium content

  • Scaled contextual and behavioural audiences: Built from rich, cross publisher first party data across a range of in depth categories

  • Premium only: Reaching the highly attentive audiences of editorially-governed websites

  • High impact: Formats designed for brand-led campaigns in premium environments

  • Full transparency: From campaign start, to end, to review

  • Enhanced measurement: the vast majority of campaigns report insights from independent brand measures to demonstrate environmental impact

Meeting today’s advertiser needs

Ozone Audience creates greater opportunity for advertisers to work more effectively with premium publishers, while addressing many of today’s digital challenges:

  • The decline in integrity of ad solutions powered by third party cookie data

  • The need to be consumer-first when it comes to consent and data compliance

  • Reducing operational complexity with a single one-stop route to market

Over the past month or so we have seen growing advertiser distrust and even the boycott of major social platforms. As the platform for attention, Ozone is perfectly positioned to offer a broadcast-scale solution for advertisers in trusted, premium environments.

Driving brand value for advertisers

Through our premium, high attention environments, Ozone is perfectly placed for generating impressive shifts in brand measures while also delivering advertiser performance targets. Through our partnership with Brand Metrics we are able to demonstrate the brand uplift seen across an advertiser's campaign, how that compares to both the all-advertiser and category norm, and how much of this lift is due to increases in brand awareness, consideration, preference and action intent. An example dashboard of results is shown here:

Fig 1: Example of brand lift measurements as delivered via Brand Metrics

Fig 1: Example of brand lift measurements as delivered via Brand Metrics

More advertiser opportunity through greater addressability

The deployment of our latest capability to run contextual campaigns with frequency capping across non-cookie environments, is driving an +8% increase in viewability and a massive +85% uplift in available impressions across test activity - in effect almost doubling the size of the audience we are able to deliver for the advertiser.

By using IP addresses from consented users as an alternative mechanism for frequency capping, we are unlocking significant volumes of inventory across Safari devices whilst at the same time providing an equivalent - if not stricter - level of exposure control. This is shown on the chart below:

Fig 2: Top browsers and impressions by frequency cap type

Fig 2: Top browsers and impressions by frequency cap type

More opportunity through our single view

With Ozone Audience Insights we are able to translate an advertiser target segment, based primarily on demographics, into real world behaviours from content consumption data. When combined with the single view and depth of this data across our publisher portfolio, we are able to create a potent targeting alternative for advertisers who have historically relied on third party demographics.

In this example, our insights were used to create a contextual audience 3x greater than the client’s demographic audience of 45-64 year olds, by targeting the content verticals they over index against as show below:

Figure 3: Demographic targeting versus duplicated contextual targeting

Figure 3: Demographic targeting versus duplicated contextual targeting