Latest Pamco: Ozone's daily audience grows 20% year on year

The Ozone Project’s daily audience has grown by a fifth annually, with millions more 18+ adults online visiting the platform’s portfolio of premium publisher websites, latest PAMCo data shows.

This +20% year-on-year growth in daily audience engagement has in turn driven an increase in the frequency of returning readers; the proportion of Ozone’s monthly audience returning daily is now 59%, up from 49% a year ago.

Across the week, Ozone’s audience has also grown annually, up +6% year on year, with the proportion of our monthly audience returning weekly now 89%.

Coupled with consumers’ continued desire for premium content as the pandemic and lockdown continues, this significant audience growth and increased engagement frequency is testament to Ozone’s portfolio growth.

PAMCo Q1 2021 Frequency.png

These factors continue to underline Ozone’s platform rivalling credentials, and according to PAMCo, out of Amazon, Google and Facebook only the latter has improved daily audience reach and engagement - and even then Ozone has closed the daily reach gap with Facebook by almost 3 million year on year.

In addition, Ozone’s platform positioning and single view of reader behaviour across our portfolio creates a differentiated offering for those brand partners looking for audience solutions in premium environments. On a daily basis, Ozone sees +51% more readers than the biggest publisher group and c.2.5x greater than the biggest individual title.

Commenting on the release, Ozone CRO Craig Tuck, said: “This latest data backs up everything we know about Ozone’s highly attentive, frequently-engaging audience. The persistence with which we see audiences on a daily basis across our platform clearly puts us on a level playing field with the major tech platforms. The high frequency of reader return adds further credibility to the detailed first-party insights we have at our disposal to power highly effective digital campaigns both behaviourally and contextually”.