Prestige prize nominations at the 2023 Media Week Awards

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been shortlisted for two of the most coveted advertising industry accolades – Sales Team of the Year and Media Brand of the Year – at the 2023 Media Week Awards

Ozone has received a brace of nominations for two of the most coveted prizes in advertising – Sales Team of the Year and Media Brand of the Year at the 2023 Media Week Awards. It’s the second consecutive year we’ve been nominated by the awards in the two categories after winning them both at last year’s ceremony.

We’ll be defending our 2022 win against some of the stiffest competition in the industry, including Channel 4, ITV, Sky Media, TikTok, Ocean Outdoor, and DCM, and two Ozone publishers, the Independent and Time Out. We’d like to thank the Media Week Awards, the judges and the team at Campaign for these incredible nominations. We’d also like to wish our fellow nominees the very best of luck. It’s brilliant for our team and our five-year old business to be shortlisted alongside such a strong field of media heavyweights.

A short summary of our awards submission is available below.

Five years of premium power

2023 marks the fifth anniversary of Ozone’s launch, when four competitor publishers came together in a historic collaboration to build a better future for the premium web; the part of the internet where consumers come to be educated and entertained, and where this engagement delivers better results for advertisers.

While many were pessimistic about the future of Ozone, the past five years have seen the brand change from one that had an incredibly strong vision but not many ‘tools in the box’, to one that is now delivering on its vision for advertisers, publishers and consumers and has a ‘full tool box’ to serve the needs of each.

The story of Ozone’s past twelve months has been as impressive as the story since its inception. Revenue delivery is up +42% in the past year – far outpacing growth in both the online display and total media categories – while, on average, retained brands are spending more than double. The business has seen a +40% increase in the number of diversified UK premium publisher groups it works with, while at the same time growing its international tech and SaaS footprint.

Ozone has consistently shown incredibly strong benchmark-beating results across brand, attention and digital performance metrics, while continuing to innovate with new products and services, including the launch of its ECOzone measure to give advertisers a more transparent measure of the carbon emissions used in delivering campaign impressions across the Ozone platform.