Comment: Raconteur future of advertising report


Our CEO Damon speaks to Raconteur about the power of first-party data and how it can help publishers take more control of their digital advertising

Ozone CEO Damon Reeve comments about the power of first-party data and how it can help publishers take more control of their digital advertising in business thought leadership publication Raconteur’s latest report.

Wednesday 10th March 2021 - first published on Raconteur

Damon’s comment features in Sean Hargrave’s article, ‘The firstparty future for publishers’, in which Sean writes…

One option for publishers is to band together rather than fight alone. This is already happening for local media via 1XL, and national newspapers and magazines at the Ozone Project. Although they still need to invest in data-gathering capabilities, coming together allows them to offer advertisers vast scale through a single platform. It is necessary, Damon Reeve, chief executive at the Ozone Project, believes to help compete with the huge power Google holds over them.

“In the days of print, publishers earned money through advertising and distribution,” he says. “The problem now is Google is all powerful in advertising and it control distribution; around 80 per cent of the clicks a typical news publisher receives will come from Google and Facebook. We have a massive year of transition ahead of us because Google will make sure that whatever it does next will suit Google, not publishers”.

Read the full report online here or download a PDF of the printed version here.