Travel up on half term and COVID easing (w.e 20th Feb)

Britain’s recent blowy and blustery weather conditions saw Page Views for storm related content more than triple as the impact of Storms Dudley, Eunice and now Franklin – on everything from staying safe and travel planning to half term activities and home care – captured the nation’s attention.

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Travel up on half term and Covid easing

Early indications in 2022 suggest that Travel is about to – once again – enjoy its moment in the sunshine (or should that be wind). 

With Covid requirements for international holidaying easing and last week’s school half term holidays bolstering both travel brand and consumer confidence, we are seeing growing numbers of readers engaging with the category.

  • Last week’s 5.0m Travel readers, which grew by +22%, is the highest weekly audience for the category since August 2021 when consumer travel options were still restricted by the
    UK government’s guidelines for international travel and testing.

  • Within the category, engagement with the Travel Type topic grew by +53% last week with growth driven Page View increases for Rail (+225%) and Air (+78%) both of which were significantly affected by the UK storms.

  • With Valentine’s Day and half term last week, related Travel topic engagement has grown, with Page Views for Romantic Getaways (+240%), Day Trips (+60%), Travelling with
    (+36%) and City Breaks (+29%) all up in the last two weeks vs. the fortnight before.

Take Action

We expect Travel category audiences and engagement to grow as travel opens up, testing requirements ease and a greater number of holidaying options become available, including long haul destinations like Japan and Australia. 

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