Opinion: 2021 Strategies for Success

Craig Tuck

Ozone’s CRO, Craig Tuck, says getting “up close and personal” with advertisers and agencies will be vital to our success in 2021.

Given the year we’ve just had, to "get up close and personal" might seem like a somewhat strange and risky strategy, but in essence it captures two areas that we deem critical to 2021 success.

Thursday 17th December 2020 - first published on Mediatel

Firstly, we will continue to forge deeper relationships with advertiser and agency partners, integrating our businesses - through Ozone Marketplace for example - in a way that delivers better outcomes for all. In 2020 the ISBA & PwC study into transparency in the programmatic supply chain shone a light on the distance between brands and premium publishers in digital advertising.

2021 therefore presents the perfect time to put the report’s recommendations into practice and ensure quality, trusted, brand-safe and known environments are central to creating a better way of doing digital.

Secondly, the accelerated decline of the third-party cookie means the huge depth of first-party audience data held by premium publishers and content providers will become ever-more valuable to advertisers; providing extremely insightful, contextually-relevant and fully compliant ways of understanding the customer.

Through closer alignment and integration with even more brands than we do today, we will ensure the advertiser and the publisher - as the sole controllers of the relationships with consumers - remain the primary parties in the digital advertising exchange.

Read part one and part two of Mediatel’s ‘media and advertising 2021: strategies for success’ series.