A spotlight on Ozone audience insights


Franz Etten, our Senior Product Manager, writes about the capability of Ozone Audience Insights, one part of our product offering for marketers.

Our insight capability is a key differentiator in the Ozone Audience suite as it provides our team with a broad and unique range of data points based on how audiences consume content that fuel advertiser proposals and campaign planning.

Ozone’s insights are built through our massive collection of fully-compliant first party data, consolidated from all of our publishers. This breaks down into 3 primary data sets, all of which are connected at the request level for full analytical flexibility:

  1. User Consumption and Engagement: As we collect information about every time a consented user engages with a piece of Ozone publisher content, we have a detailed view of changing consumption habits across a variety of dimensions such as devices, time of week / day, regions etc. This allows us to understand long-term changes in behaviour across our entire audience as well as drill down into very specific hypotheses about subsets of users.

  2. Contextual Analysis: Through advanced semantic analysis, Ozone captures a wide range of data points across every piece of content that users are engaged with. This provides a scalable solution to create a standardised yet in-depth content taxonomy across all publishers for insights and targeting.

  3. Campaign Performance: In order to generate the most value from our audience insights, we aim to link any insights back to campaign performance. With the ability to understand how different user groups or contextual environments drive performance across campaigns, we can offer advertisers insights that directly relate to their campaign objectives.

The power of a single audience view

One use case is for providing insights across Ozone’s entire audience, to show how user attention breaks down across key content topic areas. Given Ozone’s scale and coverage of publications, this provides a powerful insight into where the nation’s attention is focused:

Figure 1: Top 10 content topics consumed by all users across Ozone publications

Figure 1: Top 10 content topics consumed by all users across Ozone publications

This same data set can also be used to drill down into more detail around specific content topics in order to inform creative messaging or to define targeting strategies across a range of parameters:

Figure 2: Top 10 sub topics within News and Politics content with device breakdown by day part

Figure 2: Top 10 sub topics within News and Politics content with device breakdown by day part

Alternatively, our insights can provide a view of how segments of readers - defined by their affinity to particular content categories - compare to the total Ozone audience in terms of consumption habits:

Figure 3: Index of top 10 content topic consumption for Ozone’s behavioural ‘Fine Arts’ segment

Figure 3: Index of top 10 content topic consumption for Ozone’s behavioural ‘Fine Arts’ segment

Continued development of Ozone Audience Insights 

Our insights reports and dashboard is in constant evolution, with a focus on addressing any advertiser need. Key developments we are focusing on over the next 6 months are:

  • Granular Content Insights: Drilling down to very specific topics to understand how content around this topic is changing, and identify key concepts, people and organisations that are featured in this

  • Segment Performance: Providing indicators of performance for each segment across key campaign metrics to inform segment selection across different campaign types

  • Visualisation and Interactivity: Improving data visualisation and creating more customisable dashboards for greater flexibility of data interrogation