Better Future Series #1 - Demystifying identity in digital advertising

In the first session of our Better Future Series, we tackle the subject of identity in digital advertising and explore why it is making the headlines, the types of IDs in existence, and the business impact of the impending changes to the identity landscape.

You can download the white paper at the bottom of this page and read more about the Better Future Series on this link.

The video below is a recording of the live event held on Wednesday 19th May, 2021. Ozone’s CEO, Damon Reeve starts the session with a short scene-setting presentation into the use of identifiers in digital advertising. You can download the accompanying slides here.

The introduction is followed by a discussion hosted by Goodstuff Communications’ Digital, Data & Technology Director, Sara Treliving. In this conversation Sarah poses questions to Ozone’s Chief Technology Officer, Scott Switzer and Dora Michail-Clendinnen, our Chief Strategy Officer, taking both an industry and Ozone-specific perspective.

In closing the session, Dora highlighted three areas for marketers to question their partners on as they look to explore a future without third-party cookies as an identifier:

  1. Check data consent & compliance: It’s vital to know if your advertising partners (and your own business) have the correct marketing consents and structures in place to use and share data compliantly

  2. Consider your campaign objectives: The disappearance of third-party cookies should mean a rethink in what you’re trying to achieve from your digital advertising - seek the long-term value that is delivered through measures that go beyond ad tech metrics, like clicks

  3. Look for incrementality: There are obvious places where brands put much of their digital advertising spend, but there is much more beyond this. Seek partners that can realise incremental value for your campaigns

Find out more about Ozone’s identity design principles and the initiatives we have in place to help deliver even more effective digital advertising in our white paper.

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Our first white paper on the use of identifiers in digital advertising is now available to download. Simply fill in your details below to access the download link. Do get in touch if you have any questions.