Better future series #2 - Effective measures of success in digital advertising

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In the second session of our Better Future Series, we turn our attention - quite literally - to the topic of success measures and how the industry is looking for alternatives to the click-rates and viewability scores that have driven much of the sector’s growth.

You can download the white paper at the bottom of this page and read more about the Better Future Series on this link.

The video below is a recording of our latest session held on Thursday 22nd July, 2021. Hosted by Craig Tuck, Ozone’s CRO, the session showcases a number of initiatives currently in progress by the Ozone team that aim to help marketers have a more rounded understanding of their campaign impact.

As part of this webinar, we are playing back a recording of a live-in-person panel we recently held at MAD//Fest, where Craig talks to Sophie Strong, Head of Display & Social at Wavemaker, and Flora Williams, Head of Implementational Planning for OmniGOV at MG OMD, about alternative measures of success. This is followed by the launch of an exciting new measurement initiative - the Ozone Attention Index - by our Head of Client Services, Emma Cranston.

Craig rounds up the webinar with a look at some of our success measurement advances, focusing on attention metrics, brand lift, and media outcomes. You can download the accompanying slides from the webinar here.

This session brings to life - in a handy ABC - three key areas that Ozone is currently working on within the measurement space:

  1. A is for Attention: Gaining consumer attention has always been a key driver of advertising success, and high attention environments like those we represent have long been proven to garner more consumer engagement. The first iteration of the Ozone Attention Index aims to help advertisers and agencies better understand the attention derived in premium environments.

  2. B is for Brand (and balance): With so much documented evidence, the need for a balance between short-term and longer-term advertising tactics needs little further discussion. However, measuring beyond clicks and viewability is important to get this balance and is why Ozone has run more than 170 gold standard brand lift studies with Brand Metrics since launch.

  3. C is. for CPCV (and the launch of Ozone Outcomes): For many buyers, media outcomes are the natural next step away from increasingly outdated metrics. They allow media to be traded with measures that align closer to client’s business goals. The launch of Ozone’s CPCV capability (Cost Per Completed View) in partnership with MG OMD is the first measure of many.

Find out more about all of these initiatives, please download our white paper below.

Our latest white paper on effective measures of success in digital advertising is now available to download. Simply fill in your details below to access the download link. Do get in touch if you have any questions.