Business and Personal Finance up on mini-budget (w.e. September 25)

While the Queen's state funeral drove engagement with related content last week – Religion, Television and Pop Culture all grew significantly – the UK Government's 'mini-budget' brought cost of living back into focus for businesses and consumers alike.

Business and Personal Finance up on mini-budget

  • The wide-ranging nature of the Chancellor’s ‘mini-budget’ and its impact on businesses and consumers increased engagement with our Business and Personal Finance content. More than 60m combined weekly page views grew by +11% week on week.

  • Friday’s announcement was last week’s biggest day for Personal Finance content engagement. 4.0m page views on that day increased by +43% vs. the day before. Weekly growth for this content was driven by the Personal Taxes topic which doubled.

  • Within our Business content, engagement with the Economy topic increased by +35% week on week as the value of the Pound tumbled against the Dollar. Analysts and commentators remain divided over whether the Growth Plan can deliver.

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  • Businesses and consumers will regularly turn to our content for both detailed analysis and simpler explainers about the impact of new Government announcements like the mini-budget. As cost of living continues, and the impact of the Growth Plan is felt, this will no doubt continue.

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