Ozone's fourth birthday sporting spectacular

Hot on the heels of Ozone's first ever Sports Day and fourth birthday celebrations, we catch up with winning team captain and Client Services’ superstar, Carly Colgate, to find out more about the event.

Firstly Carly, congratulations! What do you think led to your team's success on the big day?
Thank you, the celebrations were in full swing on the day! While the teams were chosen at random, we had a strategy when it came to success. This was achieved by identifying each member's strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to bring a mixture of skills to the table. Therefore, I believe the strategy and the competitiveness we brought on the day (a LOT of competitiveness), led us to the finish line as winners!

Tell us more about what Ozone's Sports Day involved, and what was your favourite activity?
Throwing it back to the old days, the Ozone Sports Day did not disappoint – and it would not be complete without an egg and spoon race – with the extra twist of being blind folded! Other activities included sack race, relay running, beach volleyball and tug of war.

While all these activities were great fun, my personal highlight of the day was the beach volleyball. I must say, my team and I were no bunch of Jessica Grimsons, but the determination and participation of all team players made this a favourite of not only mine but of many Ozoners – we are now even thinking of starting a bi-weekly volleyball team!. After a jam-packed day of activities, we headed over to the Rose & Crown where there were beverages and burgers to re-charge for the evening antics. With everyone’s thirst quenched, additional awards were up for grabs. This was announced by the incredible duo of Phil Bennett and Rich Rust, with bottles of champagne given to the best dressed team and wooden spoons to the worst, topped with a special cake for Ozone’s fourth birthday!

What was the most memorable moment from the day?
Despite Phil’s front flip over the finish line off a space hopper (a vivid memory), the most memorable moment for me would be everyone waiting in the office before heading over to the venue. You could sense the excitement and adrenaline that filled the room as we all closed our laptops, got into character, and took many group pictures. It was great to see the sweat and tears (or lack of) that went into everyone’s costumes, and I feel that it just set the tone to what was such a special day.

You're also part of Ozone's Social Zone team and this was your first event -– what made you choose a Sports Day theme?
I am, and full credit goes to everyone in Social Zone for delivering such a fantastic event! The team were great at building anticipation ahead of the day, while each team captain ensured their teams were at the ready. While everyone was full of innovative ideas, Ozone is known for its reach of highly attentive audiences, and we thought what better than to bring this to life at the heart of Ozone’s Sport Day. Not to be biased, but my team did get chosen the best theme of Sports (we went as the team from Dodgeball), while other categories chosen were Pop Culture, Video Games, Food and Drink and many more.

Six months into your Ozone journey, how important are events like this and why?
Wow, this has been the fastest six months of my life! But I cannot express the significance of bringing everyone together to celebrate all the love and hard work that goes into making Ozone a success. From day one, I had the warmest welcome from everyone and I knew this was a company that valued inclusivity. With more friendly faces appearing in the office as the company grows, seasonal company events such as this one provides an opportunity to connect with all parts of the business, gauge a deeper understanding into all things that make Ozone and generally build relationships with colleagues you have only smiled to while making a coffee in the kitchen. As a result, company morale has been massively boosted and going into the office is such an enjoyable experience that WFH can feel a bit dull at times. I cannot wait for many more events at Ozone as this is just the start!