Cost of living impacting millions more (we. 7th August)

Last week, the announcement by the Bank of England that interest rates will rise to 1.75% – the highest level in 27 years – in an attempt to tackle growing inflation and the central bank’s forecast that the UK will enter a recession later this year, compounded the cost of living for millions of Brits.

As such, 11.8m Personal Finance page views grew by +9% last week while engagement with money-saving topics within our Shopping content increased by more than 60%.

Cost of living impacting millions more

  • Last week’s +9% growth in Personal Finance page views was driven by a +23% increase in Financial Assistance engagement. While interest in both fell significantly in July as the summer holidays began, rising energy costs and interest rates have grown engagement once again.  

  • As millions more Brits turn to our content for money-saving tips there has been a four-fold increase in engagement with our Frugal Living content. Other notable topic growth includes Credit Cards (+60%), Mortgages (+56%), Electricity Rates (+50%) and Debt (+40%).

  • Engagement with our Shopping content has recently started to climb, with 6.9m page views in the last week for the category up +17%. Behind this growth is +63% increase in engagement with our Sales and Discounts content, with more than 1m page views for the two topics last week.

Take Action

  • The cost of living is affecting individuals households and businesses across the country. It’s a top priority for our politicians, public servants and our publishers. Our engaged audience is increasingly turning to our reliable, trusted content to help navigate the crisis. Speak to the Ozone team for more on our cost of living insights. 

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