A guide to Ozone Marketplace


Isa Wills, our Product Manager, provides an overview of Ozone Marketplace - a private exchange providing advertisers and their agencies with a single point of access to our publishers for their programmatic spend.

Ozone Marketplace allows buyers to reduce SSP fees and other technology costs, ensure continued access to publisher insights and targeting data in a privacy compliant way, and shift spend into a more controlled and transparent channel. 

Advertiser demand for Ozone Marketplace

Ozone Marketplace addresses many of the challenges that are facing agencies and large advertisers navigating the complexities and rapidly changing digital advertising environment:

  • Declining addressability as 3rd party cookies diminish 

  • The lack of quality, compliant audience data for campaign targeting 

  • Regulators privacy concerns around OMP 

  • The lack of traceability of investments

This lack of accountability was quantified in the recent ISBA PwC report into programmatic supply chains and it clearly underlines the extent of the issues in our market. As Ozone, these are the very same issues we set out to address.

Creating long-term value for brands and agencies

Ozone Marketplace is built on a foundation which can support differing needs; from individual campaign-executions to enterprise-level integrations. In both instances, we support brands and buyers in reaching their digital audiences easily and consistently with a range of products and targeting options to meet all campaign objectives.   

  • Ease of activation: Direct, frictionless access to scaled audiences across the UK’s most premium publishers via Ozone’s unified targeting taxonomy 

  • More working media: lower transaction/adtech costs versus OMP buying

  • Insights across all activity: we offer a holistic view of media spend, performance and bid diagnostics across premium, audience and biddable campaign activity

  • Broadcast scale: we provide access to over 99% of the UK adult internet population, on par with Google and Facebook and with >60% of users seen on a daily basis

  • Cookie-free addressability: whilst programmatic addressability continues to decline at pace, Ozone Marketplace allows marketers to leverage Ozone’s proprietary ID infrastructure along with contextual and cohort technology in order to reach up to 100% of their target audience

  • Scaled audience targeting that is 100% compliant: Ozone is built on an incredibly rich and deep cross-origin dataset that allows us to understand consumer behaviour across Ozone publishers. We operate on the basis of compliance by design, giving marketers’ piece of mind as they execute their investment

  • Transparency and trust: 100% of advertiser spend reaches the publisher without any deductions or hidden vendor fees

  • Only premium, brand safe environments: We only work with publishers who produce editorially governed content and/or those who are regulated

Access across Ozone publishers

By offering direct programmatic access to different products, Ozone Marketplace is able to sync with different advertiser buying strategies.

Screenshot 2020-07-07 at 10.35.55.png

Figure 1: Ozone Marketplace: Direct programmatic access

Future developments for Ozone Marketplace

We'll be extending our brand safety solution to Ozone Marketplace, allowing advertisers to increase their addressable audience at the same time as managing the cost of 3rd party content verification tools.

We’re launching priority access capabilities to offer advertisers the opportunity to engage their customers ahead of their competitors via a premium price-point.

Integrations with additional demand side technologies will continue in order to provide as many routes for agencies groups and major technologies to access Ozone's publishers through Ozone Marketplace.