Luxury brand clocks up high viewability

Our latest campaign case study highlights how our premium offering can deliver exceptional results for Luxury brands

The perfect synchronisation of Ozone’s premium environments and a luxury accessories brand combined to deliver extremely high Viewability – 41% higher than MOAT industry benchmarks – and a huge 22% brand lift.


Reaching affluent audiences in relevant context across Ozone’s premium publisher environments was core to the client’s requirements.

High impact display formats were to be used to raise awareness of the advertiser’s unique and innovative timepieces. A high 80% Viewability target was set.


Contextual targeting to ensure the campaign featured alongside relevant luxury-related content was recommended. Behavioural targets, including affluent ‘AB’ readers aged 18-50 reading Business, Finance and Property content, would then boost incremental reach.

Our mobile-first Interscroller and Rising Star formats, including Billboards and DMPUs, were among the high impact formats used to meet the Viewability and Awareness KPIs. And a Brand Metrics brand lift study and our proprietary Ozone Attention Index were used bolted on as additional success measures for the client.


  • Huge 90% Viewability. The client demanded high 80% Viewability – a target that itself exceeded the MOAT industry benchmark by more than 40% – and we delivered even higher 90% Viewability.

  • A stellar 22% brand lift. An overall 22% brand lift – 13%ppts higher than the average brand lift for an Ozone campaign last year – was driven by a huge 11% increase in brand awareness

  • 62% more attention. Our highly engaging environments and the Rising Star DMPU and Interscroller formats used combined to push the dial on our attention metrics, with the campaign receiving 62% more attention than the Ozone average.

Sources: The Ozone Project,  Brand Metrics, 2021