Unlocking more mobile inventory through AMP


As the leading programmatic advertiser platform designed by publishers, we are always innovating its products to create more value for brands. The roll-out of our AMP capability is another step in that direction, writes product manager, Isa Wills.

The UK is a nation of content lovers, so it’s no surprise we take the opportunity to consume the latest news, information and entertainment updates on whatever device we have to hand. That’s why we’re working hard to ensure that at every touchpoint where our publishers have their readers’ attention, we are able to offer advertisers the opportunity to engage with them.

When it comes to mobile, Google AMP has a major part to play in reaching audiences. AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages and these are lightweight pages that are designed to give mobile users a lightning fast experience with super-fast load times. Our publishers are always focused on giving their readers the best online experience, and optimising what AMP delivers is a key element in the overall user journey.

AMP is a Google-backed project and is an open-source, web component framework that allows for the creation of user-first stories and ads. When it comes to publisher websites, pages with valid AMP versions will be served within Google’s mobile results as a carousel - above the rest of the results for any particular search. You can see an example of AMP on the search below, followed by the corresponding pages seen by the reader post-click.

Screenshot 2020-09-13 at 15.46.03.png

The upside for advertisers

By introducing premium, high-impact advertising opportunities on AMP, we are able to create new opportunities for brands to reach readers at a time when they are likely to be even more engaged and responsive on their mobile due to the streamlined user experience.

The latest PAMCo figures highlight that nearly 90% of Ozone’s readers look at our sites on their mobile phones every month - a figure that doesn’t even include tablets, which benefit from the same AMP upsides that mobile phones do. This trend is replicated across the digital properties of all major news brands and the majority of magazine brands, with c.80-95% of users accessing content every month via mobile.

Ultimately AMP means more inventory and opportunity for brands, as these pages generally make up c.50% of mobile supply across our publishers. As you can see from some of our insights, readers often display different behaviours on different devices, so AMP unlocks more targeting benefits for advertising partners.

Bringing AMP advertising to Ozone’s publishers

We have very recently set AMP advertising formats live on The Telegraph, and as we roll out across publishers, our next implementations include Reach and News UK brands. We’re also actively investigating how we can introduce more format capability, potentially to include video, across these pages. Watch this space!

As we’re still at the early stages of roll out we are still building our data points. However, as this continues to grow, I will update this post with our latest learnings.