Introducing the ABC of Ozone

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Fresh from a week of major presentations to our partners, Jacque O’Donnell - Ozone’s Agency Sales Director - talks through three areas that are at the fore of our conversations with customers.

They say good things come in threes - something that is reflected in the story we’re currently sharing with our customers. The ABC of Ozone looks specifically at a trio of areas that we believe are of critical importance to advertisers and agencies at the moment; Attention, Brand Impact and, of course that perennial festive favourite, Christmas.

Without giving the whole story away - we’d obviously love to tell you that in virtual person - our focus is on sharing how Ozone can meet the needs of brands in the immediate, current climate, while also helping them build for future growth.

At the start of our alphabet we have A for Attention. As the High Attention advertising platform, Ozone has always believed in the power of the engagement our premium publishers create with their audiences. Through our publishers’ delivery of great reader-first experiences, it is in turn much easier to create more impact with these readers through our advertisers’ campaigns. 

Numerous studies conducted by the likes of PwC, IAB, Newsworks and Lumen Research all point to the fact that advertising in premium environments receives more attention than in other places on the web, and that this attention is intrinsically linked to driving media efficiency, ad recall and ROI. Given that Ozone only partners with reader-focused and editorially-governed brands, we were not surprised when Lumen identified display ads across our network receive 60% more attention than elsewhere on the web. Ultimately, if you believe in the power of the real attention economy, then Ozone should be your currency.

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Next up is B for Brand Impact. At Ozone, we pride ourselves in delivering this for our customers, and with the year playing out the way it has, this has never been so important. Marketers are looking for ways to navigate the challenges that have been placed in their way; everything from brand safety to programmatic transparency, balancing efficiency and effectiveness, or looking at the best ways to measure success. 

Fortunately, premium publishers are well equipped to help address these challenges and deliver greater results for advertisers. For example, in Group M’s ‘Value of Quality’ study, premium environments were shown to be 51% more likely to drive conversions and 42% more cost effective than other digital environments. Then layer on top of that the brand building effect; results from 28 different campaigns measured by Brand Metrics show Ozone campaigns delivering brand uplift +21% greater than the global benchmark. Now that’s Brand Impact!

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Finally, our C is for Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. However, when the year has been as unpredictable as 2020 has been, we believe it’s important to surface as many insights as possible to aid marketers in their decision making in the run up to the big day itself. From our investigations, it seems that the majority of shoppers are going to maintain or increase their Christmas expenditure this year, but with a keen eye out for bargains and, unsurprisingly, an increased reliance on online shopping.

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From a publisher perspective, we really start to see the growth of our Christmas segment kick in during early October, perfect timing for those Prime Day and Black Friday campaigns. The build up will continue all the way through December, and given the ‘short-term’ consumer mindset of this year, these environments present a perfect opportunity for reaching the more cautious shopper. We’ll all be hoping for the tills to be jingling this Christmas.

If you’d like to hear more of the specific detail surrounding The ABC of Ozone, do get in touch. We’d love to share the beginnings of our alphabet with you.