Opinion: Solving a problem like... the death of third party cookies


Bryan Scott, Ozone’s Marketing Communications Director, talks to The Drum about the death of the third-party cookie

Along with other industry experts, Ozone marketing lead Bryan talks to The Drum about the death of the third-party cookie, saying it should lead to a better digital advertising experience for customers.

Tuesday 26h January 2021 - first published on The Drum

Third-party cookies fuel many of the objections consumers often raise about digital advertising, like message bombardment and ‘creepy stalking’ of retargeted ads. For truly consumer-focused marketers, the quest for a better alternative should deliver campaigns that are more welcomed by customers. Equally strong performing alternatives already exist; be it the application of contextual or ‘fuzzy logic’ targeting to reach like-minded consumers, or the application of proprietary ID strategies. Advertisers, like premium publishers, are the gateway to a huge wealth of first-party consumer data and closer collaboration between the two will only result in even more effective digital campaigns.