TCF v2.0 - more control for readers and publishers


Damon Reeve, T

he Ozone Project’s CEO, comments on the importance of TCF v2.0 for readers and publishers and why greater choice, transparency and control are key for all parties…

As an advertising business owned by the UK’s leading publishers, Ozone is very supportive of TCF v2.0, and in particular the high level of input that has been sought from premium publishers through its creation.

At its core, v2.0 provides a number of key benefits for both consumers - in terms of choice and transparency surrounding their personal data - and for publishers, who can ensure greater control with how their users’ data is processed. At Ozone we have built a platform with these very principles firmly at our core and we have seen first-hand how they deliver great success. We create better results for advertisers through a more positive consumer experience, be it by reducing ad bombardment, running better creative or - as is the case with v2.0 - giving readers more control over how their data is used.  Improving the controls available to readers and publishers, and providing greater confidence to brands will only help build a more transparent, effective industry that works for all.