The Attention Monthly: Sustainability in focus pre COP26

This month, we look ahead to COP26 with a focus on sustainability

The Attention Monthly, The Ozone Project’s monthly newsletter, looks ahead to the start of the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow with a focus on sustainability - our own and some of the key trends we see in our nationwide view of content consumption.

In this issue, find out how our product and engineering team reduced our energy consumption by optimising the load of our campaigns resulting in an overnight drop of c.65% in our server usage. Check out Ozone developer Lucas Kaminiski’s blog post on the topic here.

Elsewhere, Sustainability became a regal affair in the 7 days to the 17th October as Princes William royally weighed in on the topic saying the world’s “greatest brains and minds” should focus on sustainability and not space travel. On that day engagement with our science and environment hit 1.6m daily page views.

And in the 7 days to the 24th October, sustainability news drove a record 2.9m unique users to our home & garden category, as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed £5,000 grants for homeowners making the switch from gas to sustainable heating solutions.

And, in the lead up to the most wonderful time of the year, we we launch Ozone's A GRAND OL' CHRISTMAS, our new monthly competition giving you the chance to win 1 of 5 £100 gift cards each month between now and the end of the year. PLUS, all correct entries will be entered into a £1,000 BONUS PRIZE DRAW in December. All you need to do to play and win is read issue 14 of The Attention Monthly here and enter our quiz here.

In case you missed it…

Previous issues of The Attention Monthly can be read at the links below: