The Queen’s passing rules the headlines (w.e. September 11)

Last Thursday, our beloved sovereign Queen Elizabeth II passed away peacefully at Balmoral Castle. Her passing has impacted the world in ways that are difficult to comprehend, with people in every corner of the globe expressing their deepest condolences.

However, there are no deeper emotions expressed than on our own soil. The nation has entered an official 12-day period of mourning with a bank holiday to take place the day of her funeral.

The Queen’s passing rules the headlines:

  • Following the emotional news of the Queen’s passing last Thursday, it is unsurprising that we saw the highest ever week for News & Politics page views. 131m PVs were up +53% WoW to a record high. Liz Truss’ appointment as UK Prime Minister also tripled weekly Politics PVs.

  • Our Family & Relationships content also saw a huge +54% engagement increase to 56m PVs. This can be clearly attributed to the most famous family in the world experiencing the loss of their matriarch Queen Elizabeth II. The Bereavement topic more than tripled week on week.

  • With the Queen and the Royal family so heavily entwined with the national zeitgeist, engagement with our Pop Culture content also grew week on week. 70m page views was up +11% as our content focused on celebrating the Queen’s impact on Britain and the world.

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