Travel and holiday planning begin to warm up (w.e December 4)

As the three lions roared to victory against Senegal over the weekend in Qatar, back home the cold started to creep in and with the energy crisis still raging on, Brits turned to DIY fixes to keep Jack Frost at bay. On the other hand, with millions of footy fans finding the hot weather of Qatar simply too hard to resist, we dive into the nation's slowly rising interest in Travel in preparation for the first quarter of 2023.

Travel and holiday planning begin to warm up

  • Last week, the Air Travel topic hit 2m page views, a +43% increase compared to the two weeks prior. This, paired with a +46% increase in unique users in the same period, points to a growing number of consumers planning to fly off to warmer shores. 

  • With the first winter World Cup in full swing, it would seem the host nation has enticed more than a few Brits to consider the region a new holiday destination. The Asia Travel topic saw a +112% growth in page views since the World Cup started.

  • Even with the introduction of a new destination, many looking to travel still look to European destinations for their holidays. This is demonstrated by the 6.7m page views for our Europe content topic last week, a WoW increase of 1.5m. 

Take Action

  • Travel enjoyed a Q4 high last week with more than 17m page views. This is paired with a +35% increase in the Travel Locations topic compared with the week before. Further growth is expected as Brits seek winter sun or start their summer holiday planning for 2023.

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