Frances wows at IAB Engage

Ozone’s Head of Strategic Solutions, Frances Lazenby, hyped up our unique first-party data at IAB Engage 2022

IAB Engage returned live and in person this week after a three-year hiatus to celebrate digital innovation in all its forms – and Ozone strategy lead Frances Lazenby was among the event’s bill-topping speakers.

In a timed, 10-minute talk, Frances provided delegates with a whistle stop tour of Ozone’s unique single view of consumer reading behaviours in How to Read the Nation: The role of first-party user data in predicting behaviour trends.

With an overview of our exclusive 360° view of consumer behaviour across more than 250 individual domains, which comprises more than 1.4bn monthly page views of content and reflects reader passions and interests, Frances drilled down into insights for the Personal Finance, Travel and Grocers categories.

The key highlights included how:

  • The recent run of global events has driven a ‘boom’ in online readers for premium publishers, with Ozone’s number of average weekly unique users +15% higher in the first three months of the year vs. the same period a year ago

  • Demand for clear and concise Personal Finance information during the cost of living crisis has grown engagement with the category by +35% in Q1 2022 vs. Q1 2021, with +45% Page View growth for the Personal Taxes and Gas & Electric topics key drivers

  • Analysis of our Travel Destinations topic data overlaid and flight booking data highlighted a +40% increase in category engagement from March to April, with consumers seeking out summer holiday inspiration later, to create a new opportunity for a leading Travel brand

  • Our data matching helped a leading online grocer, with a significant amount of customer data, understand more about the interests of their customers through an analysis of their behaviour across the Ozone platform (read the case study here)

Frances Lazenby engages with more than 350 delegates at IAB Engage 2022

Frances concluded the short presentation by inviting brands beyond our current customers to work with Ozone to understand more about their current and potential audience’s behaviour through our data.

IAB Engage brought together more than 350 agencies and advertisers to celebrate the digital advertising industry. As well as Ozone, Google, Snap, Meta and Reddit – as well as train enthusiast and TikTok sensation, Francis Bourgeois – featured on the packed agenda.