Real estate focus for reading the nation (w.e. 22nd Aug)

This week's Reading the Nation, for the 7 days to 22nd August focuses on the property and real estate market, following the publication of last week’s figures from the ONS that highlighted average house prices across the UK rising at the fastest rate in almost 17 years - a staggering £31,000 over the past twelve months.

Thanks to our reach of over 99% of the UK’s online population, Ozone’s single user view of content consumption provides unrivalled insights to the stories that matter to our readers all across the UK.

Among this week’s notable category insights, we have seen:

  • The past 12 weeks - coinciding with the period when the Stamp Duty holiday ended - has seen on average +16% more weekly readers of Property content than the previous 12 weeks

  • As the UK summer holiday period comes to a close, we have seen interest in Real Estate content steadily increase post a Stamp Duty holiday dip. This week’s 5.5m page views is up +19% week on week

  • Combining the upward trend for Property news with the upcoming August bank holiday (where Home & Garden content tends to peak) should prove a potent mix for those targeting homeowners

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