The Attention Monthly: Attention study & shopping & health insights

Our penultimate issue of the year focuses on our new attention study with Lumen and more fabulous Ozone insight

The Attention Monthly, The Ozone Project’s monthly newsletter, takes a further look at our new attention study with Lumen Research PLUS, we shine a light on our Shopping and Healthy Living insights with Black Friday this week and the annual January health kick around the corner.

In this issue, we provide proof of a clear link between the quality of attention paid to display and video advertising and the quality publisher content it accompanies thanks to our new study with Lumen Research.

We take a look at our Shopping category with Black Friday happening this week. Already this month we have seen growing engagement with shopping related content growing, as in the second week of November page views grew by more than +10% week on week and annually.

And we also look at Healthy Living as in the last 7 days we have seen an annual doubling in engagement with the category, with 4.3m weekly page views +100% higher than the same week in November 2020.

Finally, in the lead up to the most wonderful time of the year, we we launch Ozone's A GRAND OL' CHRISTMAS, our new monthly competition giving you the chance to win 1 of 5 £100 gift cards each month between now and the end of the year. PLUS, all correct entries will be entered into a £1,000 BONUS PRIZE DRAW in December. All you need to do to play and win is read issue 14 of The Attention Monthly here and enter our quiz here.

In case you missed it…

Previous issues of The Attention Monthly can be read at the links below: