Ukraine crisis drives News & Politics (we. 27th Feb)

The shattering of Europe’s post-war peace by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last week has dominated the global news agenda. Naturally the conflict has also captured the nation’s attention, as Brits reacted in horror to Russian aggression and global leaders responded with severe political and economic sanctions.

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Ukraine crisis drives News & Politics

After several weeks of speculation about Russia’s aggressive posturing towards Ukraine, war broke out between the two countries last Thursday as Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his forces to invade.

Unprecedented global events like this understandably dominate the news agenda as audiences turn to trusted information and quality editorial. As such, our News & Politics category has seen engagement grow significantly as this international crisis has unfolded.

  • Last Thursday, 24th February, saw daily News & Politics engagement peak as news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine broke. 18.0m Page Views was +35% higher than the day before as readers turned to trusted sources for breaking news and analysis.

  • With global diplomacy as a means to end the threat of Russia’s invasion replaced by political and economic sanctions against the country, Reader Attention for Politics (6.2) and Foreign Policy (4.7) increased by more than +20% week on week.

  • Last week’s 13.5m Unique Users for News & Politics is the category’s biggest audience to date. 4.5m readers of the War & Conflicts topic within the category more than tripled compared to the week before with more rolling coverage and analysis was published.

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